Friday 3 October 2014

Gorgon :- Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa

                           In Greek mythology, Gorgons or Gorgones were described as three powerful female monsters creatures, the daughters of Phorcys and Ceto. The names of the three Gorgons were Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa. Of the three sisters only Medusa was mortal, and so it was her head which King Polydektes of Seriphos commanded the young hero Perseus to fetch. 

Stheno:  In Greek mythology, Stheno was the eldest of the Gorgons, vicious female monsters with brass hands, sharp fangs and "hair" made of living venomous snakes. She and her sister Euryale were both immortal, and the third sister, Medusa, was mortal. Of the three Gorgons, she was known to be the most independent and ferocious, having killed more men than both of her sisters combined. 

According to some versions,, Stheno was transformed into a Gorgon because of standing with her sister Medusa, who was raped by the sea god Poseidon in the Temple of Athena. Athena baring no emotion and finding no fault in Poseidon, was furious with Medusa. As a punishment, Medusa was changed into a terrible monster, along with her sisters Stheno and Euryale. Stheno tends to be depicted as a thin gorgon monster with red snakes curling around her head instead of hair.

 Euryale: In Greek mythology,  Euryale was the second eldest one of the Gorgons, three vicious sisters with brass hands, sharp fangs, and hair of living, venomous snakes. She and her sister Stheno, were immortal, where as Medusa was mortal. 

According to some versions,, Euryale was transformed into a Gorgon because of standing with her sister Medusa, who was raped by the sea god Poseidon in the Temple of Athena. Athena baring no emotion and finding no fault in Poseidon, was furious with Medusa. As a punishment, Medusa was changed into a terrible monster, along with her sisters Stheno and Euryale.  In some version, Euryale  had the ability to turn anyone to stone with her gaze. In many stories, Euryale is noted for her bellowing cries, particularly in the tale of Medusa's death at Perseus' hands.

Medusa:  In Greek mythology, Medusa was originally a ravishingly beautiful maiden.  Poseidon had raped her in Athena's temple, the enraged Athena transformed Medusa's beautiful hair to serpents and made her face so terrible to behold that the mere sight of it would turn onlookers to stone.
Sea god, Poseidon seducing Medusa in Athena's temple
 In some versions, Medusa was described as priestess of Athena, was devoted to a life of celibacy. But she was wooed by Poseidon, whom she loved in return, she forgot her vows, and had sex with Poseidon in Athena's temple. In one version, Poseidon, as a bird,  seduce Medusa in Athena's temple. 

               Medusa was beheaded by Perseus, who was sent to fetch her head by King Polydectes of Seriphus because Polydectes wanted to marry his mother, Danae. The gods were well aware of this, and Perseus received help. He received a mirrored shield from Athena, gold, winged sandals from Hermes, a sword from Hephaestus and Hades's helm of invisibility. Medusa was the only one of the three Gorgons who was mortal, so Perseus was able to slay her while looking at the reflection from the mirrored shield he received from Athena. During that time, Medusa was pregnant by Poseidon. When Perseus beheaded her, Pegasus, a winged horse, and Chrysaor, a golden sword-wielding giant, sprang from her body.